Sadly, family law disputes are often highly-emotional for all involved. Such is the nature of these disputes that if not resolved promptly, they can worsen over time and become intractable.
As an Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, I have seen first hand the impact of family law disputes not being resolved as quickly as possible and inevitably ending up in long-protracted litigation.
Family Dispute Resolution focuses on resolving your dispute through discussing options and working out how to best reach an agreement. Once an agreement has been reached, I can assist you to develop a parenting plan or consent orders to set out arrangements for your children.
At Strive Family Law & Mediation, we're early-resolution focused and offer a range of mediation services.
Family law can be a complex area of law.
Unfortunately it is also an area of law that can become worse over time if the legal issues are unattended.
Seek prompt family law advice.
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